Causes and effects

A person's hand reflected on a water surface, with one finger touching the water creating ripples.
Photo by Isandru00e9a Carla on

You never quite know what happens when you interrupt some of the norms in the world. I mention this following the post last week about a man’s approach to questioning in a session with a woman speaker.

The speaker got in touch and said this:

Just reading through the comments on your blog post about the session’s questions. Really interesting discussion. I was kicking myself for not handling it better and insisting we moved on to another question. But reading the comments has been a big help as it’s helped me see that there were factors other than my lack of experience at play.
Thanks for the post. I feel seen, heard and supported.


Overwhelmingly the people who read the post and commented have been supportive and it’s helped the speaker and other readers.

Interrupt some norms in the world for a change. It’s very fulfilling.


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