Your learning technology

A felt letter board with the words "FREE WI-FI" on a wooden stool against a dark background.
Photo by RDNE Stock project on

I’ve mentioned digital literacy in the past – Can/Can’t, Will/Won’t, Have/Haven’t, Should/Shouldn’t – and how the lack of access and bandwidth causes separation, inequality and workplace learning adopting a lowest common denominator approach to learning design.

I was reminded of this lack of access reading ‘The hidden danger of the Apple Vision Pro’ by Timandra Harkness. In the article, Harkness suggests this new technology will exacerbate the difference between present and presence, and, as she so eruditely says:

Our attention and our relationships are already multichannel most of the time — we are seldom truly apart, and seldom truly together.

The hidden danger of the Apple Vision Pro

Look at this through the workplace learning lens. A profession which has always welcomed the latest new technologies, the zeal with which we jump onto the ‘Next Big Thing’ ®️, has the power to make our support more exclusive. Can’t get a decent upload speed where you live? You’ll not be able to use this technology.

And for the people being excluded, how are you going to get them back?

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